Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Array on C Programming

Array is a collective name given to some value that have similar type of value. Data values in an array called aray elements. The sequence location from the element is shown by a subscript or an index.

According to dimencies, array can be distinguished to :

1. One-Dimensional Array
    One-dimensional array is kind of basic array and the most often used, the usage especially used in String type.
  • Each element of array can be accessed by index
  • Index of array  by default started from 0
  • Array declaration :
Type_of_Array Name_of_Array[size] ;

2. Two-Dimensional Array
    Two-Dimensional array is an array that consist by m rows and columns. The shape looks like matrixs or tables.
  • .   Array Declaration :
Type_of_Array Name_of_Array[row][column];

3.  Multidimensional Array
     Multidimensional array is an array that has size more than two. The declaration form same with one-dimensional array or two-dimensional array. 
  • .   Array Declaration :
Type_of_Array Name_of_Array[size 1][size 2]....[size n]

Differences of array and others data type :
  • Array can has many values, whereas other data type only can be connected only with one value.
  • Array can be used to save some values of data type (include: int, float, char, double, etc) that is same with only one name
  • Moreover, array can be one dimension or more than it, whereas the other type just can be one dimension

Introductory of The C Programming Language

C programming language is one of computer programming language. It made in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie for UNIX operation system at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Altought C  was made to programe a system and computer network, but this language often used to develope application software. Not only that, C was also used by many kind of operation system platforms and computer architecture, even found in some popular compiler that was available. C tremendously affected other popular computer languages, especially C++ that is the extension of C.

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